Dawson and Guare
Dawson, Peg and Guare, Richard. (2009). Smart but scattered. Guilford.
Incorporating recent research on child development, this book provides concrete advice for identifying a student’s strengths and areas of need and implementing strategies and activities to develop Executive Function skills. While written for parents, this book is a valuable resource for anyone who is working with students to develop Executive Function skills. The included worksheets, surveys, and charts provide excellent starting points. Dawson and Guare understand that children who are not neurotypical and who struggle with Executive Function skills can benefit from direct intervention to bolster their skills.
Faber, Adele and Mazlish, Elaine. (1999). How to talk so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk. Avon.
This book is not specifically written for students with Executive Function issues. However, it is a valuable resource for anyone working with children who may be difficult to reach. Intended for parents, it provides scripts for many topics, including: dealing with feelings, engaging cooperation, alternatives to punishment, and encouraging independence. It is a good resource for anyone working with students who struggle with motivation or who need coaching strategies.